Research, Innovation, and Scholarship Expo 2017 (RISE)

Zapzapmath was crowned Best Startup of the Year at Asia’s largest tech conference, RISE 2017! Watch the 4 minute winning pitch!

"See how CEO, Henry Chui embraces Zapzapmath before winning Gold in this thrilling pitch!"

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Zapzapmath Blog!

Higher Order Thinking Skills: the way to go!

Parents and teachers today across a variety of educational settings are talking about helping their kids develop Higher Order Thinking Skills. Here’s a closer look at what these skills are all about.

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Zap Zap Kindergarten Math

Today we launch the newest edition to the Zapzapmath family into the great wide universe to be explored by young, growing minds everywhere! Introducing Zap Zap Kindergarten Math, a mobile-first learni...

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