Team Building

Web Developer (Back-end)

Web Developer (Back-end)

A good design is not just a pretty interface. It should be functional, versatile and continuously improved to better meet user goals. Our little team is looking for artists to help positively power our imagination engines.


There are many others in the universe that we would like to get in contact with and share the wonders of mathematics. The Zapzapmath team needs someone who can help to manage outreach expeditions to other civilizations that would benefit greatly from mathematics.


  • A passionate developer who can build API’s that are minimal, complete, clear and simple semantics, intuitive, easy to memorize and readable code.
  • Fluent communicator who can work in a team with both technical and non-technical team mates
  • Must be willing to self-learn and self-start and able to troubleshoot and fix bug
  • Willing to work in a startup environment


  • Develop API’s that will be consumed by game developers and front-end web developers
  • Server administration (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP on AWS)


  • Solid understanding of Object Oriented Programming and Design patterns
  • Solid understanding of PHP
  • Must have at least 1 years experience working with Laravel
  • Proficiency in Linux environment / experience working in LAMP environment
  • Solid understanding of SQL
  • Experience with MySQL database administration
  • Experience with AWS/EC2, or other cloud services
  • Experience in building RestFul APIs will be added advantage
  • Experience in test automation and test driven development
  • Experience with version control (Git)
  • Excellent communication skills and being able to work independently or in a full team


Degree in Computer Science or Information Technology or equivalent


Knowledge in PHP (Laravel Framework) and MySQL

To apply for this position, please email